Before You Were Born I Already Loved You: Mother’s Love

Before you were born I already loved you: mother's love

The power of mother’s love has reached a divine meaning, that the more we know it, the more we are surprised at its significance. It is natural that love is born after sharing the sweetest and most vibrant moments with our children, but that it exists with almost the same force before meeting it is worthy of praise.

Maternal love is compared to the strongest emotions. When the scope of the bond between mothers and children is understood and its scope is contemplated, we realize that it is a feeling superior to any other that we know. Being moms makes us unique beings, we see no barriers to help our children grow.

However, one of the most surprising qualities of this love is found in the mother’s ability to create such a deep affective bond with her child that it is generated before his birth. This feeling is often called maternal instinct, but it remains to be seen if the instinct is so warm and powerful.

Maternal instinct or mother’s love?


Knowing so many cases of love before the first sight between mothers and children, it is necessary to begin to believe that in fact there is a unique feeling that appears from the moment of conception. However, there are still detractors of this belief.

Attaching mother’s love to instinct could even be an offense to so many women who claim to have felt a special connection with their children before they were born. But, as we know, this phenomenon is related to psychological qualities that require the evaluation of scientific experts.

In this sense, according to the statements of science, there is no way to show that the maternal instinct exists. In any case, you just have to evaluate the constant experiences that mothers say they appreciate.

On the other hand, it takes being a mother to understand the feeling that a woman is supposed to develop around her unborn baby. However, it is believed to be a tradition or a general idea that society has transmitted.

In this regard, all the hormonal changes that are present in pregnant women make it possible for them to feel emotions never before perceived. Another case that joins it is the survival instinct, which in fact does exist and is associated with the struggle to stay alive and populate the world.

Is it love what I feel

Mothers who love their child from before birth will never accept being told that what they feel is not real, especially when the sensations that invade them are present with such force. All mothers in the world will agree that what we feel is real love.


Since before birth, the baby is the luckiest because there is someone who waits for him with love. Loving that little piece of yourself that grows inside your womb and depends on you to be born and survive, is totally natural.

Millions of mothers in the world have loved their child since they knew it existed, even when conditions may have driven them away or it is believed that a mother has not loved her child enough. This is one of the main reasons that sustains the strength of this love.

On the other hand, it is known that some mothers have not perceived this feeling, because they did not know that they were pregnant or because they simply never felt comfortable with their situation.

This is valued as the absence of the aforementioned instinct, but no one can doubt how loving mothers can be with our little one even before he is born.

Motherhood is a wonderful state, which can never be compared, even with another pregnancy before or after. Knowing that we are going to be mothers allows us to know ourselves better and begin to discover our capacity to love.

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