Bookstagram Or How To Promote Reading Among Young People On Instagram

New technologies have become an essential tool for promoting reading in the youth sector.
Bookstagram or how to promote reading in young people on Instagram

The youth sector is the one that reads the least books of all. This is because the preadolescence and youth stage is very complex and some habits that have been acquired since childhood are lost.

For this reason, it is necessary to promote in this sector, more than in the rest, the diffusion of reading and books. Currently, one of the easiest ways to do it is using new technologies  and, more specifically, social networks.

Do you think we are talking about booktubers ? Well, you are really wrong, since progress and new discoveries in relation to social networks are developing so quickly that this profile is being superseded by another.

YouTube was until now the social network that most promoted reading in young people, however, the appearance and massive use in this sector of the social network Instagram has made it the new way to promote youth reading.

Therefore, below we will tell you a little more about the new phenomenon Bookstagram or how to promote reading in young people through Instagram.

What is the b ookstagram phenomenon ?

With the arrival of new technologies several years ago, the first of the ways to promote reading in young people were literary blogs. The impact they had on young people was so strong that other similar ones followed.

Teenagers watching videos on their mobile to the people they follow on bookstagram.

However, the YouTube video platform came to practically eliminate literary blogs in their entirety and be the new king of the way to promote reading among young people.

The success of YouTube is that these videos are created by people of similar ages to the young people who watch them. In addition, the language that is used and the way of recommending the books and displaying them are also very advantageous. All these reasons made the booktubers have, and continue to have, to this day, the success they have.

However, social networks evolve and every so often a new type of social network becomes the favorite of the young public. Although YouTube is still one of the most prominent, Instagram is here to stay.

This new social network, in contrast to YouTube, is not based on videos, but, as most of you already know, it is based on uploading images or photographs. And, how could it be otherwise, together with Instagram, the profile of the b ookstagrammers appeared , people who are dedicated to promoting reading through these images.

What are the characteristics of this new way of enhancing reading?

More specifically, bookstagram is born from the union of the terms Instagram and English book ( book ). These publications are based on carefully made book photographs and include, in the vast majority of cases, details around the book.

The great advantage of using Instagram over YouTube to promote the promotion of reading is that the first of these social networks allows interaction between users much faster and more familiar than YouTube.

Therefore, in addition to the photograph of the book that has been uploaded, it is also being promoted that users with the same or similar tastes recommend other titles and everyone else can see them.

Girl using mobile with internet access to see bookstagram news.

And it is that the interactions are the main base of this social network of photography. And all the interactions that are created will be around books and reading to talk about other titles, other topics, other authors or even characters.

Another of the prominent elements within Instagram, although coined as a result of its success on Twitter, is the use of hashtags or labels. With this, the publications have a greater reach and, consequently, reach many more people who, in the vast majority of cases, are interested in the books.

Bookstagram : reinvent yourself or die

As we said at the beginning of this post , what is really important is that the sector that reads the least in Spain re-enters the world of reading and books. To do this, you have to reinvent yourself and adapt to the currents that arrive at all times, this time, hand in hand with the bookstagram .

Such is the success of this proposal,  even publishers collaborate with these people in the same way that brands do with so-called influencers , so that they show their books on the networks.

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