Can A Baby Under Three Years Old Acquire Responsibilities?

Can a baby under three years old acquire responsibilities? The answer is yes, as we see in this complete article.
Can a baby under three years old acquire responsibilities?

When a child is born, he is absolutely dependent on the parents for everything, he cannot do anything for himself. But as he grows, he develops skills and gains autonomy. It is from this phase that the following question may arise, Can a baby under three years old take on responsibilities?

The responsibilities of the baby according to Jean Piaget

According to the Swiss scholar Jean piaget , doctor in psychology among other sciences, and dedicated to the study of childhood, whose conclusions and publications revolutionized what was known up to that moment, children under three years old can acquire responsibilities .

One of his best known theories establishes the stages of development of the child in terms of their cognitive evolution. Y states that the child between zero and two years of age is guided by the stimuli through which they will develop their sensory and motor skills .

Based on this development, we must observe the capacities of the child . Each one has his own rhythm and in this way let him do things always under our supervision.


The responsibilities of the baby according to Maria Montessori

According to María Montessori, an Italian specialist in education, creator of the famous method that receives her surname as a name, the child must be allowed to acquire knowledge as a result of what he draws through his reasoning .

Knowledge must not be imposed on him, but must be shown to him in such a way that he acquires it by reasoning. During the first four years of life is when the child’s type of intelligence is going to be formed, hence we must help him develop a type of logical thinking by himself and not imposed by the rest.

In this way we will ensure that learning is pleasant, that their curiosity, their desire to learn, to investigate is encouraged . In addition to reinforcing his autonomy and self-esteem when he manages to solve problems on his own.

This does not mean that he is not previously oriented, but that once he knows the basics, you have to let him do it himself. However, many mothers and fathers are used to doing all the tasks for them. This harms the development of minors. Since, by acquiring responsibilities they will feel more autonomous, older, develop their psychomotor skills, enhance their self-esteem, self-confidence, the ability to solve problems , etc.


Helping Your Child Acquire Responsibilities

For this to happen, parents have to let them finish their homework . If one day he makes a mistake, nothing happens, but it is important to show him lovingly how it is done and let him keep trying until he succeeds.

Of course, always respecting the rhythm of each child. Some will be faster and others slower, or in some apprenticeships they will stand out more or less. Something absolutely normal, since not all of us have the same abilities.

And of course, large doses of patience and affection are necessary and abandon the overprotective attitude that is detrimental to its proper development. If he gets used to having everything done to him, he will continue the same in the future, since that is the basis of his education. Avoid the need for you to do things for him because he does not know or may even feel that it is invalid .

Responsibilities that the child can acquire up to 3 years

Of course, at an early age they will not be great responsibilities, it is about leaving them space and autonomy to carry out small tasks under the strict supervision of their parents as they are not yet ready to keep their attention on the same task for long. Of course, they will be small tasks that for him are going to be a great advance.

These simple tasks may consist of her taking care of picking up her toys . Put away the shoes, when you buy, take a product that is not dangerous and put it in the cart or when you go to set the table, let him put something like napkins, for example. If there is a possibility and you have plants, it is good to let him pour water on them. In addition to seeing how you can do things yourself, it will be a lot of fun.

Remember that the child, even if he is small, needs to begin to enhance his independence and do little things for himself so that development at a physical and psychological level is optimal. In addition, he has the best teachers he can have, his parents, the best counselors.

With love and patience you will see how he learns a little every day and how he will be able to solve his little problems while having fun, a fact that will make you very happy. .

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