Children In Social Networks: What Are The Dangers?

Children on social networks: What are the dangers?

The vast majority of parents today ignore or do not want to see the danger of posting photos of our children on social networks. Although we are moved by the most different reasons, such as those that we tell you below.

  • Wanting to teach the latest feats of the little ones, especially those who are far away
  • Show that we are part of a certain social caste that consumes certain goods
  • Teach that our children are strong and recover from premature births, blows, operations …

However, the danger is the same for everyone.

Also, whatever the reason, actually, when we use images, we present ourselves through our  imagination  and expect ego-fueling feedback.

When we send an image to the world, without a specific recipient, we are awaiting  comments from the most distant and unknown corners.

What are the real dangers of posting photos of our children on social media ?


There are countless dangers identified, many of which are widely known. Here we quote some of them:

  • Morphing : montage with the photos of our children in pornographic situations.
  • Exposing an image that we do not know where it will go if we have not limited the privacy of the photo (which is quite advisable).
  • Cyberbullying is about someone using their image to harass you and more, a list of actions that one can imagine coming out of a criminal mind.

These actions are beyond our control and leave us and our families vulnerable.

Although it is true that a large number of people are  fans of this practice and nothing may happen to them, we have to agree that it  is a completely unnecessary risk.

Another question is that from the point of view that we occupy the parents towards our children, we could ask ourselves the following question: Am I treating my son with respect by publishing his photos without his consent? 

Let us remember that our children, in addition to being subjects of law, are people who deserve that their privacy be respected. Since they cannot decide because they are too small, we have no choice but to wait for them to grow up and decide for themselves.

A question of values 

Another question that we could ask ourselves when publishing photos of our children on social networks would be what values ​​am I transmitting to my children when I publish images of our family?

We know that social networks have become the “hall mirror”. Everything that is done suddenly becomes publication material. One may wonder: But who is going to be interested in what I ate yesterday or if I am in the elevator or wherever?

What is perceived is that people are very much in need of talking about themselves and connecting with others. The montage of modern life has atomized us a lot. We have lost time together, it seems that life has become a kind of ” gold rush”As one of the greatest assets of our current society is the consumer good, you have to pursue money to be able to fulfill this ideal.


The acquisition of these goods is also published on social networks as a way to meet certain requirements and thus be recognized as part of a certain social group: photos of family trips, restaurants that are frequented, food are uploaded. what do you eat …

We may be transmitting to our children exactly these values ​​of the consumer society,  when we publish photos of them on certain portals, or traveling with us, or even everything that the kings have brought them.

Another way to use the networks

There are those who use social networks in a productive way : to spread their work, an ideal, a political party, as well as share interesting press / blogs with friends.

This is a way to give a positive example of the use of social networks to children, not as superficial and dangerous as the other. This does not have to include photos.

So, already aware of the risks involved in publishing photos exposing the family on social networks, each family is free to make their decision.

There are many ways to use social media productively, for yourself and for society. If you insist on publishing your privacy, at least you keep in mind that privacy must be limited to avoid all these dangers.

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