Children Reflect The Kindness That Adults Have Forgotten

Children reflect kindness that adults have forgotten

The acts of children reflect the goodness that adults have forgotten, their virtues arise spontaneously because they love without feeling fear. Their secret is to give without expecting anything in return and to be connected with themselves and with those around them, precisely for that reason they can give love to those who need it.

A healthy child is almost always smiling, and the image of a caring person is also that of one who is almost always smiling. What a coincidence! Some will say, but nothing is accidental, this similarity of behaviors is due to the fact that the body reflects the true feelings and behaviors of the human being. The smile of many children reflects the essence of their soul.

Another point in favor of children is that their hearts and minds are free from prejudice, which is why they usually give gestures of kindness such as smiles, hugs, kisses and even tears without discrimination.


Spontaneous kindness

It is often difficult to understand why when a child begins to cry, that cry – as if it were a yawn – begins to spread to other children. Hundreds of mothers, while comforting their baby in their arms, smile at the tenderness caused by the fact that their child feels such deep compassion for the other.

Children speak a language perhaps more primary, but also more honest than that used by many adults, they are very connected with their feelings, and also, because they are so pure and noble, they manage to connect with others in a special way.

That ease of connection can also explain why so many gestures of kindness come up deliberately, and the question is:  Who doesn’t need kindness in these times? Everyone! Children surely know it and that is why they offer theirs to everyone.

You will have already seen the spontaneity of children when they simply want to play, even if they are two perfect strangers, they look at each other in the park, they smile at each other and after some shy gestures and a few minutes they are playing freely as if they had known each other for a lifetime. Neither of the two children cared to know who the other was, who his parents were, if he lives in a fine neighborhood or not, all that is irrelevant if the goal is to spend some time playing.

That same spontaneity arises when someone needs them, children help because their soul naturally captures the need or the true essence of other people, that is why gestures of kindness spring from them with an ease that manages to amaze adults.

And it is adults who, in addition to marveling at the kindness of children, must begin to practice it more often.  Their souls are also loaded with goodness, it is a virtue that has accompanied them since they were born, you just have to let it emerge and free it from all those layers that have been made with years of painful experiences. Loving and being good will always be a better choice than limiting yourself for fear of getting hurt.


A heart full of goodness

Children are born without blemish, without evil; they are born good, and children’s actions undoubtedly reflect kindness that adults have forgotten, but why? Because they are free from prejudice, it could be one of the answers.

Being free from prejudice is one of the best virtues of children ; this condition allows them to act spontaneously. Being free from fear, guilt or resentment will allow them to express their kindness without reservation.

Adults can also be kind, and in fact they are when they require them, when the occasion warrants it and it is precisely in this regard that children take the lead because their kindness is constant, it resembles a source of living water. that arises without being asked.

The question is how to bring that goodness back to the heart of an adult. There are several formulas and one of them is very popular: the heart of adults should be more like that of children.

Give back to your heart the joy of smiling and thanking just for the fact that today dawned, because today is a new opportunity to practice the virtue of kindness.

If you start to cleanse your heart of prejudices, fears and resentments every day, you will have already done a good part of the task so that your heart remembers the joy of loving like a child and of being good or kind just because, because all human beings need love, without exception.

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