Children’s Phrases That Denote A Good Education

The effectiveness of early childhood education can be verified with the language of the little ones. Some of the phrases that children themselves say may be proof that they are being taught correctly.
Phrases of children that denote a good education

Today there are a huge number of techniques and ways to offer children a good education,  full of knowledge and values.  However, it is not always easy to know if it is really working.

For this reason, there are many parents, teachers and tutors who live with the uncertainty of not knowing if they are doing a good job  of transmitting their teachings to children. The consequence is that feelings of waiting, frustration, heaviness, anxiety and depression are generated.

However, there are always ways to assess whether a child has incorporated this knowledge appropriately. Next, we will see some phrases that demonstrate the correct education in the little one.

1.- Although I don’t have the best console, I appreciate mine

A child who has received a good education may be able to notice the good and bad things in life; Among them, the fact that you do not have the best in terms of material goods does not mean that you cannot appreciate the benefits that life offers you.

Valuing the little things is one of the best lessons a child can be taught. Parents will avoid in this way that the little ones are unhappy people and incapable of living peacefully due to their toxic ambitions.

2.- I like television programs with which I can learn

Today there is a huge variety of television programs for the minors of the house. However, many may not be the most suitable for them, so it is necessary to make them see those that bring them good educational value.

Similarly, it is important to avoid those programs or reality shows that are not suitable for children’s ages. The little ones in the house must understand how harmful this type of television product can be for those who watch them, and even more so if they are outside the allowed hours.

Regulating the content of television shows is part of providing a good education.

3.- I want a dog but I don’t know if I can take care of it

A child who has received a good education will be able to notice and understand if he is not capable of taking the responsibility that owning an animal implies.

It is the parents’ job, of course, to get involved in this decision and assess whether the child is aware of the responsibility that this implies.

4.- Although sport is tiring, it is part of my health

The  effort, sacrifice and perseverance are values that should influence the education of children. This is deeply linked to sport, healthy from childhood and essential for their physical, psychological and social development.

5.- Thank you for taking care of me

Not all children are capable of being grateful for the things that the people around them offer them. The fact that they do so is an excellent sign of good manners;  not only for accepting the effort of others, but also for recognizing it.

6.- I like fast food, but I prefer homemade food

Fast food is a favorite of many people, and even more so for children. However, the correct education so that they know how to choose homemade food and completely natural foods  generates satisfaction and tranquility for any parent.

7.- I don’t need a mobile

Generally, a child would say that he cannot live without having a mobile; especially if your friends already have it. The little ones must understand that mobiles, more than entertainment devices, are communication instruments that are not essential for people’s survival.

8.- I go to bed early to get some rest

A good education is not based solely on the knowledge imparted to children . They also require norms, values ​​and schedules to achieve balance within their life.

In this way, the child must understand the fact that there is a schedule to sleep every day and on weekends.

Children who receive a good education are grateful to their parents.

How can children be offered a good education?

To achieve positive results in children, it is necessary that they have a good education at home and at school. To do this, there are some guidelines:

  • Respect the schedules for each activity.
  • Comply with each of the routines.
  • Abide by roles and responsibilities.
  • Enforce education and magic words.
  • Understand the value of things.
  • Respect family moments.
  • Use television and the internet correctly.
  • Eat properly.
  • Don’t depend on consoles for fun.

If you notice these behaviors or hear any of these phrases, you can proudly say that your child has been well educated. Remember, this is an “ant” job that is done day by day and by example. The results, meanwhile, are worth it.

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