Delicious Tortillas For Children

If you want to surprise the smallest of the house, you cannot miss these tortilla recipes for children with which you will surely leave everyone speechless.
Delicious tortillas for children

To vary the home menu a bit, you can always turn to the different omelette recipes for children. They are all delicious and very nutritious, so they satisfy and provide energy. 

Sometimes it can seem difficult to please our children so that they can have a balanced diet. Due to their young age, they are unaware of many things, which leads them to have many prejudices with different types of food. For this reason, they are often reluctant to try dishes.

However, the tortilla is not usually one of the foods that generates aversion to the naked eye. Its aroma, texture and color are very attractive, so it is very easy to get the little ones to eat at least one tablespoon. And is that the egg is a food that should not be wasted in the diet of children, since it is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Omelettes for children work very well at any time of the day : breakfast, lunch, dinner and also, at snack time or any other snack. Here we reveal some of the most tasty recipes.

The delicious omelettes for children.

Delicious tortillas for children

1. Tomato, cheese and zucchini omelette

The necessary ingredients for this omelette are: grated cheese to melt or American type cheese, 4 eggs, 2 ripe red tomatoes, 1 zucchini, salt and oil to taste.

We wash the tomatoes well and chop them into squares. We will do the same with the zucchini. Then, in a bowl, we beat the eggs vigorously to later add the already cut vegetables.

Salt and pepper to taste. To continue, we will place the mixture in a hot and greased pan, pour the preparation into it and wait for it to cook over medium heat to the top. When we see that it is already dry, we proceed to turn with the help of a trowel. The tortilla is ready when it is completely dry.

With this preparation we ensure a high content of lycopene, a nutrient that has proven to be essential in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

2. Tortillas with pieces of bread

Another of the tortillas for children includes a very well accepted ingredient: bread. For this simple recipe the ingredients will be: olive oil, 50 grams of breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, parsley, 50 grams of ham, salt and pepper. 

The eggs should be beaten vigorously, but first we will have to chop the ham into small squares and the small parsley. Then we add the ham and parsley to the beaten eggs, adding salt and pepper. Finally we place the mixture in a greased hot pan and cook for five minutes per side. With these simple steps you will achieve delicious pancakes.

3. Potato omelette with chorizo

A very rich recipe that needs: 3 normal potatoes, 5 eggs, 100 grams of chorizo, 3 slices of bacon, oil, salt and pepper. After washing the potatoes, we must cut them into very thin wheels and then fry them in a frying pan with oil. As they are ready, we reserve separately.

We chop the chorizo ​​in wheels. We fry until golden with the bacon and reserve. We beat the eggs until lightly clear and we will join all the ingredients to them, rectifying the salt and pepper. We take to the pan for a while, until it browns on both sides.

When turning it over, we can help ourselves with a plate so that it is not destroyed. Once turned, it is only a matter of waiting a few minutes for it to brown on the other side. For it to cook better, after giving the first turn, take it to the oven for fifteen minutes.

The delicious omelettes for children.

4. Sweet tortillas

These are spectacular for breakfasts or snacks, the children will enjoy them to the fullest. To make these sweet pancakes we are going to use these ingredients: 4 eggs, ½ cup of breadcrumbs, ½ cup of sugar, a tablespoon of vanilla, oil and ground cinnamon.

In a bowl we will place the beaten eggs adding the breadcrumbs and the rest of the ingredients. Whisk in an enveloping way until a homogeneous mixture is achieved and in a pan place the mixture with the help of a spoon and cook until golden brown on both sides, they can be served with honey or melted chocolate.

Don’t forget that this recipe should only be prepared exceptionally. Its sugar content could harm metabolic health if consumed on a regular basis. This is stated by a study published in Frontiers in Bioscience.

5. Sweet pumpkin omelette

To make this pumpkin fudge omelette we will need the following ingredients: 2 cups of flour, 5 eggs, ½ liter of milk, 150 grams of pumpkin, 2 cups of sugar, 3 lemons, cinnamon, and oil.

First, we must cook the pumpkin for a time of ten minutes, without the shell, until it softens, with a piece of the lemon peel. After time, let it cool and make a puree reserving it.

In a bowl and with the help of a mixer we will process the eggs, the flour, the sugar, and the pumpkin with the milk, progressively. Finally, we add the lemon zest and a pinch of salt.

In a hot pan and with some oil we will place the mixture covering only the bottom over medium heat. We wait for it to cook until it shows bubbles and then turn and brown on the other side. Serve with some jam or cream.

Prepare tortilla recipes for children

As you may have seen, preparing tortillas for children is very easy and the best of all is that one portion has a very good nutritional contribution that will help them grow healthy and strong. Go ahead and include these preparations more often on the home menu!

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