Fill Your Child’s Life With Good Habits

Many of the good habits in life can be learned from childhood. In this article you will learn to identify those “bad habits” in order to intervene as soon as possible.
Fill your child's life with good habits

Habits are formed by constant repetition. A person little by little without realizing it, frequently repeats some activities, and from there the habit is formed. It is even possible that it is executed without thinking, since the brain has it recorded in a habitual way. Habits, good or bad, have been called habit, which can also be associated with instinct or inheritance.

Good and bad habits

Calling a habit good or bad can vary depending on the context. What for some cultures is just a habit, for others it can be bad or unpleasant. Similarly, “good” habits do not necessarily have to be for all societies.

Although some habits are more difficult to handle or accept, a person may be full of them, but that does not make them less of a person. In general, it is a topic related to hygiene, food or daily routines. To a large extent, habits may also not be totally healthy, such as smoking for example.

According to the general opinion, good habits are those that lead the person to feel satisfaction. In the same way, this satisfaction is generalized, because by doing so people try to improve their quality of life.

They are also good because they improve the relationship between the people with whom we share. For example, exercising, being educated, maintaining hygiene, eating healthy, among other things.

On the contrary, bad habits lead to negative consequences for the life of the person who practices it. Some are very difficult to remove if not treated in time. For this reason, these types of habits are generally called vices.

Now, childhood habits start those customs, be they good or bad. If the bad ones are not dealt with in time, it will be very difficult to eliminate later.

Parents should carefully observe the behavior of their children so that they can differentiate between various actions. At the same time, it is necessary to think of an action plan to solve this behavior, if it is bad.

Children’s habits

From the first months of life, the child begins to forge his own habits. These develop throughout life and many of them last forever. Some childhood habits are common, that is, they are repeated by most children. This happens because they still cannot distinguish if it is a good or bad thing.

In most cases, childish habits are not at all reprehensible. However, in some cases it is necessary to intervene so that they do not take hold. Among the main habits of childhood, we have the following.

Thumb sucking

Either from the hands or feet, it is a primary reflex that is observed from the womb. This can be maintained for two reasons.

  • The connection between habit and the pleasure that occurs
  • perform this action to relax

Children of months are frequently observed sucking their thumb, especially their thumb. They do it when they are tired, when they are hungry or to calm down when they sleep. Although this action disappears with time, in others it becomes a frequent behavior lasting into adulthood.

They can cause physical damage such as poor teeth or jaw formation, which many need orthodontics. Parents must control and make an effort to break this habit so that it does not leave consequences later. You can use methods such as distracting and calming him with a doll, trying to observe what is causing the child anxiety.

To bite nails

They call this habit onychophagia, this action should be treated like thumb sucking. This mania often expresses a state of nervousness or anxiety. It is better to distract the child than to be scolding him. If he is anxious or afraid, he bites his nails to calm himself down, scolding him or showing anger will make everything worse. That is, you will do it more often and reinforce this habit.

It is essential to discover what is the cause of anxiety or nerves in order to control the problem. In some cases, children can ruin their nails to the point that they bleed. Putting your fingers in a substance that is bitter or unpleasant for them can help you break this habit. It will be very difficult but not impossible, although it is a recurring habit in adults.

Nose picking

This custom can be had by both children and adults. The difference is that children can do it in public without any penalty. In addition to being unhygienic, it can cause nosebleeds. Some researchers claim that doing this habit arises in times of boredom or when the child is anxious.

A main cause that children do this is because some do not know how to blow their noses, which they can learn later. It is recommended that the child be given a handkerchief and we help him in another way to overcome this. It is also important that we teach him to do this in private. There is nothing to worry about, over time it usually disappears if these tips are followed.

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