First Time In Kindergarten: Keys To Prepare Your Child

The beginning of schooling in children occurs in kindergarten. Despite the fact that, over the years, it becomes a longed-for memory, the beginning of this stage usually has its complications.
First time in kindergarten: keys to prepare your child

Deciding whether or not your child goes to kindergarten can be tricky. When the decision is made, it is necessary to face the fact of separating a small child from his mother during those periods of time. If you want to know what to do and what not to do at that moment, the following suggestions will help you to face the first time in kindergarten.

Kindergarten can be almost traumatic for more than one child. When the time comes to leave your child in the classroom, there may be some inconveniences that make it difficult for your little one to adapt. For that reason, we want to help you in that first time in kindergarten by giving you keys to prepare your child.

Keys to prepare for the first time in kindergarten

Before you begin, you will need to have confidence in yourself and your child in this process. No one knows him better than you, so apply these tips and adjust them to the maximum of your child’s personality.

Explain where you are going and what a kindergarten is

Even if you see it small, you need to give it all the explanations it needs. Creating in your child the idea of ​​a predictable environment will bring him calm; it is better for him to know why you are taking him there, what he is going to do, and what he is going to find.

Take him to know the place

Before the first day, it would be convenient if you took him to the site where the kindergarten is. Knowing where you will go until you arrive, what the facade is like and, above all, what the classroom is like, can help you. Allow him to live with you the first contact with the center.

The first time in kindergarten is often plagued with doubts on the part of children.

Introduce him to the center staff

In particular, who will be in charge of their care. Who better than yourself to introduce your child to their caregiver? Strangers sometimes generate unease and even fear. This factor is eliminated if you introduce that person into your life in a harmonious and calm way.

Don’t dramatize

Avoid reminding him how much you are going to miss him or how separated you are going to be. Your child needs an emotional network that provides security.

Ask him how he feels

Ask her this question before, during, and after her first time in kindergarten. Let him express how he feels and help him integrate all those feelings without feeling bad.

Don’t despair if it’s not so easy at first

The second day can be more complicated than the first. Be patient, you will succeed. Like any other person, it is normal for children to find it difficult to adapt to new environments and to people they do not know.

Benefits of a good adaptation

By providing a safe environment for the first time in kindergarten, you will bring many benefits to your child; you will undoubtedly use them in the future. Some of them are:

  • Self-confidence. You will be able to face new situations without fear and with confidence in your own adaptability.
  • Independence. You will learn to cope with whatever life may put you in front of you without having to systematically turn to someone to tell you what to do. You will educate him in his own decision-making power, in his autonomy and independence.
Mothers must prepare children for their first time in kindergarten.
  • Emotional management . Knowing that he can tell you how he feels without being judged or repressed is a tremendous skill. Teaching him that you are there to listen to him will make him a safe adult, free in his feelings and capable of managing them.
  • Empathy. Kindergarten teaches empathy; In addition, you have a basic role so that your child understands what this quality can mean. Knowing how to recognize your feelings and those of others will help you with the rest of your environment.

It seems like the first time in kindergarten is going to be a complicated adjustment process, but don’t despair. Understand that all parents have a certain level of anxiety when facing new situations.

Imagine how your child sees life right now and help him to incorporate new horizons into it. You have to know that you are not abandoned in kindergarten, but that it is a routine to include in your day to day.

Adaptation to the garden, that difficult and inevitable moment

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