How Children’s Snacks Should Be

It is important, in children’s snacks, to ensure the presence of fresh food. Nuts and whole dairy should not be missing to improve health.
How should children's snacks be

Snacks are the most conflictive foods in children. Normally, a large quantity of ultra-processed products with a high sugar content are introduced at this time, which put health at risk in the medium and long term.

It is for this reason that it is key to consider the inclusion of foods with higher nutritional density at this time. Thus, it is possible to complete the vitamin and mineral requirements, providing quality substances that ensure good growth.

Vegetables must appear in children’s snacks

A very common mistake in children’s snacks is not to include vegetables. Consuming fruits and vegetables on a regular basis has been associated with a lower risk of developing complex diseases. This is evidenced by a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology .

Healthy snack for children.

These foods provide a large amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins necessary to ensure good health. However, they are not usually part of the snacks.

To solve this problem, the consumption of avocados, guacamole, fruit or nuts in all snacks is recommended. The best thing is to alternate between them to obtain benefits from each one of them.

At the same time, it is important to avoid consuming only fruit juice or ingesting them through smoothies. In this way, a good part of the fiber in the food is wasted, negatively conditioning its nutritional value. The best thing is to always eat the whole fruit, with the least degree of mechanical destruction possible.

Proteins must be present in children’s snacks

Industrial ultra-processed products often lack proteins of high biological value. These have all the essential amino acids and good levels of digestibility. They are necessary to ensure the growth and development of the organs and tissues of the human body.

According to a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism , it is important to ensure at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight each day in children’s diets.

To meet these requirements, the inclusion of nuts may be key, although it is also important to complement with the presence of dairy in snacks. It could even be positive that some sausage appeared, with some regularity.

However, these must be of high quality. The best option is to opt for Serrano ham or loin that does not contain nitrites inside. To do this, you have to pay attention to the labeling.

Children’s snacks always with water

We have commented that the fruits had to be consumed whole, that the juices were not recommended. Similarly, neither are sodas. These have a large amount of sugar inside. They are capable of exerting a negative effect on the metabolism and on the functioning of the pancreas.

Although whole milk is an option that must be taken into account for children’s snacks due to its nutritional density, when it comes to ensuring good hydration status, the best drink is always mineral water.

It is important that children do not get used to drinking carbonated beverages from the earliest stages of life. Establishing good eating habits during this stage, will reduce the risk of carrying out an inappropriate diet in the future.

Examples of suitable snacks

Next, we are going to present a series of examples of suitable snacks so that you know what to offer children:

Little girl eating oatmeal and fruit for snack.
  • 80% cocoa chocolate with a handful of nuts and a handful of blueberries.
  • 1 whole yogurt with oatmeal, a handful of walnuts and sliced ​​pineapple.
  • One fruit and 2 rice cakes with peanut butter.

Proposing a good snack is key to children’s diet

It is important to propose balanced and healthy snacks for children. Otherwise, you run the risk of ingesting substances that are not recommended for health at this time, such as simple sugars, additives and trans fats. Always try to prioritize the intake of fresh food over that of ultra-processed industrial products.

At the same time, remember that it is essential that the little ones practice physical activity on a daily basis. This is the only way to ensure proper growth and development of organs and tissues.

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