How To Help Sensitive Children Who Get Angry About Everything

Many children are very sensitive and get angry easily. Sometimes any attitude can hurt your feelings. If you want to turn that sensitivity into something positive, here are some ideas.
How to Help Sensitive Children Who Get Angry About Everything

How can we help sensitive children? These children are more emotional, vulnerable and offended quite easily, more than other children. For this reason, we must take special care and detect if our little one is highly sensitive.

These guys interpret anything that happens to them as something very bad or sad. If they fall, they cry excessively and take a long time to calm down. If they scold them or speak loudly, it hurts a lot and they get very sad …

It is clear that each one of us has a character and a personality, and these sensitive children will continue to be so as adults, so it is important to detect and help them. In this article we will tell you how.

How are sensitive children?

They interpret any behavior, look or comments from someone, as an attack on them, and often respond impulsively, either through a tantrum or cry, or a violent reaction. We must help them feel good about themselves, increase their confidence and thus improve relationships with other people.

Normally, when a child is very sensitive and gets angry about everything, they may also have low self-esteem  and this sensitivity is caused by having a negative self-concept about themselves that causes insecurity and fear of being undervalued by others.

Sensitive child crying in the street.

Characteristics of sensitive children

Weak points

  • They can be spiteful.
  • They feel guilty easily.
  • They are focused on their inner self and are more distracted.
  • They complain constantly.
  • They tend to be self-pitying and feel like the victims of any conflict.
  • They find it hard to forgive when they feel betrayed.


  • They like to help others.
  • They are creative people.
  • Physical contact, for them, is something important.
  • Their wants and needs are very clear.
  • They have great emotional intelligence.
  • They are usually very empathetic; understand the feelings and needs of others.
  • Communication can be one of your strengths.

How to help sensitive children

  • We must always make constructive criticism, never hurtful.
  • Avoid humiliating punishments or that make you feel bad.
  • Give them lots of love, kisses, hugs, caresses, praise, etc.
  • Offer them our unconditional love.
  • Let them know that we are proud of them and that we love them just the way they are.
  • Our expectations must always be appropriate to the personal characteristics of the child.
  • We will avoid correcting, criticizing or judging the things that the child does wrong.
  • We will reinforce and congratulate  whenever they do things well.
  • We will make clear the idea that the important thing is to be a good and happy person, not perfect.

If our son is highly sensitive and gets angry about everything, we have to reflect and think if perhaps we are being very demanding with him. It is true that discipline is very important, but always in a healthy and affectionate way.

Little girl crying on the sofa with her mother comforting her.

How to help sensitive children to turn their sensitivity into something positive?

  • We should not try to cheer up or undervalue your state of mind.
  • All children need to be heard, but sensitive children need it even more  in order to develop their personality.
  • We will always listen to our children, even if what they have to say does not matter.
  • We will pay attention to your feelings. If you tell us about a problem, we will listen carefully without judgment. They do not expect us to give them a solution, they simply expect to feel accompanied and listened to.
  • We will use phrases that express empathy, never reproach.
  • We will leave your space and time to feel better. The time they need, never rush them, because you will lose everything you have achieved. We have to be patient.
  • Help them to know how to forget and forgive disappointments. If we show empathy for what they are feeling and help them manage their emotions, in the end, they will end up recognizing they can also make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

You already know how you can help sensitive children and what they are characterized by. Now it only remains to put some of these ideas into practice, if you see that your little one is very sensitive. Surely this sensitivity will eventually become your ability. A good education will make you an adult with great kindness.

We can always apply these ideas, even if our children are not highly sensitive because, in general, they are ideas that can help us all. Put them into practice!

How to deal with highly sensitive children

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