How To Improve Our Children’s Spelling

How to improve our children's spelling

Many parents are concerned about the amount of spelling mistakes their children make. Experts think that the lack of reading, the predominance of the image in their daily life or the use of abbreviations in the messages of mobile phones can influence.

Until the age of seven or eight it is difficult to help the child with spelling because he does not master reading or writing and does not know the spelling rules. From that age on, they begin to fixate, begin to master reading and writing and understand the first spelling rules.

Also be ruled auditory and visual problems in children and other disorders that can affect how dyslexia or dysgraphia. Many times there are collateral problems that can influence the child to correctly apply the spelling. There are many types of dysgraphia and a specialist’s diagnosis is necessary to see what is the best treatment. It is usually detected when the teacher observes significant alterations in the child’s writing or dictations.

Many children do not improve by copying  the wrong word 10 times as is traditionally recommended. Nor do traditional booklets help them to improve spelling by repeating words and phrases. Sometimes they need methods that apply visual or multisensory information because they learn through other intelligences.


In addition, the problem is complicated when children have to learn to write in other languages. Many children find it difficult to spell words in foreign languages ​​correctly. For example English or French. Languages ​​in which it is pronounced differently from how it is written and that its spelling is an added problem for children.

We are going to recommend the following tricks so that you can help your children improve spelling. Getting into the habit of reading, learning with pictures, or doing games and crafts about spelling can be a good idea to improve day by day. There are also applications for children to learn to write that can also improve their spelling.

Speed ​​up reading

One of the traditional ways of supporting children to improve their spelling is to have them read daily. Experts believe that children improve when they have the habit of reading every day. A good idea is for children to write down the words they don’t know in a notebook. Then it is a good idea to look it up in the dictionary. We can also make small dictations so that the children can improve their spelling.


Learn spelling with pictures

Many children have trouble learning the spelling rules. Today there are many methods and spelling books that are based on visual teaching. It is about teaching spelling from the moment they begin to read and write through drawings and images. Children need pictures to know why words are written in one way or another.

In bookstores we can find original and funny spelling stories and ideo-visual methods that will surely help children to improve. There are ideo-visual methods that support the learning of spelling with pictures where they must use visual memory . These visual writing methods can help you write irregular words and words with arbitrary or variant spelling in any language.


Games to improve your spelling 

We can make games with them with the most complicated letters for children such as ‘b’ and ‘v’, ‘y’ and ‘ll’ or ‘j’ and ‘g’. It would be that through images that remind them of the shapes of the letters, they remember the correct spelling when they have doubts. We can also make rhymes with words with ‘v’ for example so that children remember words with those same letters.

We can also invent original crafts related to spelling. We can make conflicting letters like ‘b’ and ‘v’ with cardboard or in the shape of boxes. They will have a lot of fun if they can move them around the floor of the house. We can also create them with plasticine or other materials in fun colors.

Once the letters are made, we can play with the children to invent words. The one who gets it right, for example, chooses the next letter. We will surely have a good day playing letters with our children. They will be looking at how the words are written to be able to beat their brothers or friends in these games.

Improving spelling is constant work that children must do every day so they can see the results. It also has to be a fun and interesting job that can entertain them. You will see that if you practice these simple tricks your children will soon have improved their spelling.

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