How To Prevent The Spread Of Conjunctivitis To Children

How to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis to children

Conjunctivitis is a highly contagious eye infection. If you have a newborn baby who you have to breastfeed at least every three hours, it is normal for you to ask yourself how to act in case of conjunctivitis to prevent it from spreading. Here are the symptoms of conjunctivitis and some tips to prevent its transmission.

How to avoid contagion of conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis infection does not distinguish age groups: anyone can be infected ; however, babies, due to their dependence on their mother, become more vulnerable to contagion. It is for this reason that infected mothers must take extreme hygiene measures, especially before handling their child’s belongings or taking them in their arms.

Hand washing is the first precaution to be taken into account. Although hand washing should be an act that should be done regularly, when you suffer from conjunctivitis this activity should be done frequently and in a more optimal way: using plenty of soap and water.

Washing your hands prevents the spread of many diseases.

In hand hygiene, you also have to think about the area under the nails. To do this, you can use a brush with soft bristles that penetrate and touch the skin where they begin to grow. In addition, those who live at home should avoid using the same towel to dry their hands. Although in some homes it is customary to share those that are placed in the sink, when someone in the family suffers from conjunctivitis it is better for each one to have their own.

After washing, it is important to use a moisturizer. Excess soap and water dries out the skin and allows it to crack; and a skin with cracks is an ideal host for the colonization of bacteria.

Other hygiene habits to prevent conjunctivitis in the baby

If you have conjunctivitis, you should know that the bacteria and viruses that cause it are not only found in your eyes, but will also be on your clothes, your face, your hands, etc. Therefore, hygienic-sanitary measures never hurt when it comes to protecting your little one.

To help you in your purpose and also to get you better, we suggest that you follow these recommendations:

  • Wear clean clothes and change frequently.
  • Wash your face and neck, and when you wash your hands with soap and water it reaches, at least, up to the forearm.
  • Do not use makeup to prevent these beauty products from further irritating your sick eyes.
  • Clean your breasts before feeding your baby.
  • Even if it depends on you, avoid being in contact with the baby as much as possible. We know that this can be a great sacrifice, but remember that your goal is to protect him from the source of contagion, which, in this case, is yourself.
    Conjunctivitis is very contagious.
    • Change your bedding regularly.
    • It is preferable that during the infection you do not wear contact lenses. If you have low vision, choose to wear your glasses and keep them clean frequently.
    • Avoid using the same towel to clean your eyes several times, since although it appears to be clean, the towel is probably infected. When you need to dry your eyes use disposable towels or toilet paper.
    • Don’t rub your eyes. Although the itching appears to subside, what you are doing is helping the inflammation persist.

    Conjunctivitis symptoms

    Conjunctivitis is the redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva, that is, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and the surface of the eye. This obvious symptom along with others such as itching, blurred vision, discharge and frequent tearing make those who suffer from the disease have immediate certainty of it.

    With this we want to tell you that, once you begin to receive these signals, do not wait for them to disappear by themselves, but do not self-medicate or apply the many home remedies that will reach your ears. Go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible so that he is the one who prescribes the necessary medications and guides you better about how you can protect your child.

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