Make Your Children Happier And Calmer

Make your children happier and calmer

Happiness and tranquility are relative concepts. Not all children feel happy or calm with the same living conditions or developing the same activities, however it is possible to live in a friendly and orderly manner within the canons of each family. To achieve this, it is necessary to lead a life away from the chaos and stress brought by overloaded schedules and electronic devices that negatively overstimulate children.

One of the irrefutable tips to make your children feel much calmer is to reduce – as effectively as possible – the amount of stress to which they are subjected. This is achieved, above all, by leaving them free time in their saturated schedules of school and extracurricular homework to explore the world in an open way. Only then will they discover on their own what activity they like to do.

And it goes without saying that when a person is doing what they like – no matter how old they are – they definitely feel happy and calm. The hours fly by when someone is immersed in an activity that is really pleasant and nutritious.

And in that, parents must be careful, because although many children remain absorbed in front of a television, computer or cell phone screen; These activities are often addictive and unedifying in the long term. It is true that on television and the Internet there are many options for healthy and educational entertainment for children, but parents must be vigilant of the content and the hours that their children spend in front of the screens.


Your children need time to play quietly

Kim John Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting, said in an interview that many of today’s children’s behavior problems stem from the fact that infants have “too much stuff and they live too rushed lives.”

In this sense, the American expert recommends parents to try to make children’s routines simpler, as that will make them feel calmer and happier. “Approaching parenting with simplicity as a framework helps parents, who may be able to significantly reduce the child’s daily stress, helping them to be happier and have a more comprehensive development.”

Never before in the history of mankind have children – and people in general – been absorbed by a screen for so long.

That is not usually very positive, since it is with interaction with other people, especially with other children, that emotional intelligence develops. It is with the knowledge, management and development of their emotions, in addition to having the opportunity to freely explore the greatest number of activities, which will help your children to feel happy and calm at any time and circumstance.

Free time does not exonerate children from doing their homework and schoolwork, rather it is about balancing your children’s tasks to save them from routines overloaded with extra-academic activities and demands that can make them feel overwhelmed or stressed.

In fact, stress is a disease that children today suffer quite frequently, according to the statistics of an article published by the journal Psicothema, more than half of the children around the world are exposed to chronic stress or prolonged from the first months of life.

Being happy is simple

Regulating the number of toys is also a good technique to make your children calmer children. This happens because by experimenting with simple toys that are not so noisy or overwhelming, they become participants in much less structured games, which stimulate their creativity and intelligence in a more active way, in addition to distancing them from activities that could be Overstimulating for her young age.

It is not about depriving children of their toys, of course they need them and they are useful to them, it is rather about helping them to have much more space – inside and outside – to develop their creativity. Playing with simple elements such as pieces of wood not only makes children more creative but also makes them feel more concentrated, since they have the opportunity to develop their world from scratch, from a blank canvas, which makes them grow in a positive way and relaxed.

In this regard, Payne says that many American children are experiencing a sensory overload with “too many trinkets, too many options and too much information.”

happy child

That is why always remember that the world is simple, nobody really needs so many things. It’s good to have that premise clear and go over it when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It is also positive that you keep this in mind when raising your children, because they do not need so many toys or so many extra curricular activities, they need more than anything to share time with their parents and time to explore their skills and develop them.

Less is more

Simplicity also has to do with the area in which your children operate. Most people agree that orderly places with few objects are very relaxing. Therefore, try to ensure that the area in which your children operate is as orderly and free as possible.

This may seem like a complicated task, especially since many children do not like to tidy up their room, but if your children do not have a mountain of toys or objects at their disposal, it is easier for the area where they unfold to be kept clear. which offers you more opportunities to feel calm.

The expert advises parents to reduce scheduled activities in their children’s already overloaded routines, overexposure to electronic games and also the chaos that a messy environment brings. Less is more. And in this case less chaos in the routine, activities and spaces helps you to make your children happier and calmer.

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