Mumps In Children

Mumps in children

One of the diseases that most worries in childhood is mumps, an infection that causes a lot of discomfort and can affect several organs.

Although it is not a serious disease, mumps is a highly contagious disease among children . Mainly, the form of contagion is through contact with saliva, that is, if they share an object that they put in their mouth, such as a glass or a toy.

Another way for it to spread is through coughing or sneezing. . It is enough for a few droplets of infected saliva in the environment to touch a healthy person, so that they are already affected by this virus. In this sense, if your child was diagnosed with this pathology, it is best to rest at home.

Resting will help your baby heal better and not infect other children

The virus that produces it is called paramyxovirus, which causes inflammation of the parotid glands , responsible for producing saliva . These are located in front of and below both ears, at the level of the lower jaw; therefore, when they are inflamed, two bumps are seen in this part of the neck and the diagnosis is easier.

Mumps is highly contagious from one to two days after inflammation begins to five days after illness . Therefore, it is essential to receive the respective vaccination to always be protected and develop the necessary defenses to avoid suffering it.

Mumps Vaccine in Children

Mumps, as it is also known, mainly affects countries that do not have a good health system . However, Mom and Dad cannot be neglected under any circumstances, wherever they are. Prevention will always be the best remedy to combat all diseases.

To be protected against this condition, you should ask your trusted pediatrician about the MMR vaccine.  (MMR), which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. Later, they have to receive a booster when they turn 18 months or between 4 and 5 years.

Common symptoms of mumps

According to statistics, one in five children does not usually present any type of signs ; and one in three children does not suffer from the typical swelling seen in the neck.

However, we want you to be on the lookout for any of these symptoms of mumps in children so that you can seek medical help immediately:

  • Inflammation of the salivary glands
  • Parotid swelling
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • General discomfort
  • Headache
  • Moderate fever
  • Lung infection
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain  
  • Boys can suffer from pain in the testicles.

These complaints reach their maximum peak on the second and third day and disappear after a week. . As a recommendation, you should keep your little one isolated for nine consecutive days, from the moment the problem begins.

Treatment of mumps in babies

If your little one goes through this scenario, you must give him all your heart to make him feel better … Nothing like him love  from mom to cure any ailment. But, it is also important that you receive medical treatment that will help you overcome ailments and infection .

To make him feel a little better on these difficult days, you can put some cold compresses on the neck, drinking plenty of fluids, eating soft foods, and gargling water with a touch of salt to overcome the infectious process faster.

Medical treatment and mom’s love are effective cures for mumps

During this time, you will not be able to share any utensils (glasses, plates or cutlery), to prevent another member of the family from being contaminated . In other words, we can serve as prevention agents at home.

Home remedies

Surely, you are very worried about your baby, but we want to give you good news: if you comply with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, there will be no other factors to worry about . And if you want to contribute to his recovery, do not hesitate to give him natural juices, such as orange, to make him feel strong.

The ginger  is very useful for cure. You just have to prepare a paste with a little water and apply it to the inflamed area. You will see that the pain and swelling will go down very soon.

Accompany him with patience and affection in this moment that he needs you so much . Protect him and make sure he feels comfortable at home.

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