My Baby Does Not Want To Eat: What Should I Do In These Cases?

Healthy eating is the foundation for your baby’s development. But what happens when your child does not want to eat the foods that are offered? Here are some tips for dealing with the situation.
My baby does not want to eat: what should I do in these cases?

Food is a fundamental edge in the development of every human being. However, many times it happens that the baby does not want to eat and we cannot find out what this behavior is due to.

When evaluating the reasons why a baby does not want to eat, pediatricians suggest identifying, in the first place, since when they have this rejection. If it has been happening forever, it may be due to one of these reasons :

  • Acid reflux : This happens when the baby does not make enough acid in his stomach to process food. But it can also happen that he produces too much, in which case he will also be in pain and cry every time he is fed.
  • Lactose rejection : it occurs when the body does not produce enough lactose, the enzyme necessary to process dairy (this is not the case with cheese and yogurt, which are already fermented dairy). Lactose intolerance causes intestinal pain.
  • Unconscionable parental expectation : the baby eats out of necessity, not out of obligation. Many times the baby has already met their needs, but parents insist that they “eat little”, when in reality the problem is not in the newborn, but in their expectations.
Many times the reason why the baby does not want to eat is due to the expectations of the parents.

On the other hand, if the behavior of rejecting food is new, it is important to detect the problem as quickly as possible to be able to correct it as soon as possible. The most frequent causes of this behavior are:

  • Digestive problems : they usually appear with diarrhea, cramps, discomfort and even vomiting.
  • Suffering from some other type of illness : if, for example, the baby has the flu or fever, it is common for him to have less appetite.

    Tips to get the baby to eat

    There are some very simple techniques that serve to shape the baby’s perception of the feeding process. These five factors could contribute to this construction occurring:

    1. Make eating a pleasant experience. Remember that during the first years of life, the baby absorbs everything that he perceives and relates it to the bad and the good. Feeding time in a calm environment will help create a positive perception.
    2. Be careful with the temperatures. They do not know what is cold and what is hot. Therefore, try to find the right temperature for each food.
    3. Avoid processed foods such as honey, herbal teas, or tea. Your body may not be ready to digest them. Get more natural and try to incorporate fruits. In this sense, ground apple or natural yogurt are the best alternatives.
    4. Don’t force him to eat things he doesn’t like. You are constantly getting to know new flavors and textures. The fact that you do not like a fruit or vegetable from the beginning does not mean that you will not eat it in your entire life. Give it time and look for other alternatives.

    When is it time for the baby to eat foods other than milk?

    After four or six months, the baby can be offered other types of food, especially fruits and vegetables. It is important to incorporate small amounts of different ingredients so that you get to know the flavors that you like, those that you do not like, what temperature suits you best, and all the questions related to food.

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    The World Health Organization recommends that breast milk be the exclusive form of feeding until the child is six months old. From that moment, they point out, it is appropriate to incorporate foods that are age-appropriate and safe for the baby.

    Let’s not lose sight of the fact that their teeth have not yet erupted and that they are therefore unable to chew. We recommend trying mashed potatoes or vegetables, apple or pear compotes and orange juices, among other healthy and natural options.

    Is it necessary to consult a specialist when the baby does not want to eat?

    Again, we return to the starting point. It is important not to be alarmed and know how to identify the reasons why the baby does not want to eat. It may be something circumstantial or perhaps the problem is the food or its preparation. Of course, if symptoms that warrant a medical consultation or this behavior is prolonged in time, do not hesitate to do it.

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