My Son Is Addicted To Junk Food

The consumption of junk food, which contains large doses of sugar, leads to the development of diseases such as diabetes.
My son is addicted to junk food

Knowing that our child is addicted to junk food can generate feelings of worry and anguish.  In this post we will learn how to avoid this addiction and to take the necessary actions to completely eliminate these foods from your diet.

Generally the favorite food  of our children are: hamburgers, pizzas, sodas, sausages, etc. These foods are often harmful to your health  because they provide large amounts of trans fat and calories to organism.

Our little ones’ addiction to junk food is associated with a pleasant experience based on taste and attractive presentation. However, this type of food is made with high levels of sugar, preservatives and additives, which is harmful to health. To date, it is proven that the intake of refined sugar increases the risk of many diseases, as stated in a study published in the journal “JAMA”.

One of the problems derived from the consumption of this type of food is diabetes. Its incidence has increased in recent years to become an endemic pathology. Likewise, this disease increases the risk of developing associated complications, according to an article published in 2016.

Our little ones must have good eating habits, not only for health, but for cognitive development.

How to prevent my child from being addicted to junk food?

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Instilling good eating habits in our treasures can sometimes be a bit tricky.  But it is essential to take care of them in the best way to avoid them being addicted to junk food. With a lot of patience we can achieve it, you just have to take into account a series of aspects to do the best possible.

  • Talk and communicate with our son. In this way we will explain the importance of eating healthy. With foods rich in vitamins, fibers, minerals and proteins , essential for physical and cognitive development.
  • Avoid giving our little high sugar juices or fizzy drinks during your meal. It is best to offer them water.
  • Stimulate our child’s habit of eating healthy and balanced meals.  It is best to decorate the food plate with figures or animal faces to get their attention, and get them interested in trying and eating all their food.

Our child may not like a specific food , the ideal is not to force him to eat and offer him another possibility that he likes more or change the presentation by combining it with another ingredient.

Is It Good To Completely Eliminate Junk Food From Your Diet?

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While it is true that junk food and candy do not provide any good nutrients to the body, this does not mean that they can never eat them.

It is not appropriate to completely eliminate them from their diet since the idea is that they have good eating  habits and not deprive them of the things they also like.  From time to time we can take our child to eat his favorite food, be it pizza, hamburgers, ice cream or candy.

It’s important to remember that nothing in excess is good, so it should be in portions appropriate to your size and age. It is up to us to choose whether or not we will completely eliminate junk food from our child’s diet.  We already know what is good for your life and the things that really make you happy and healthy.

Our little one can get frustrated by not eating junk food often, in this case The best we can do is talk to him and explain very patiently that although it is very delicious, it is not good for your health .

We must also remember that children are like sponges, they absorb and learn everything they see, therefore, e It is essential that the whole family promote a good way of eating more nutritious and healthier foods.

The importance of a healthy diet

When it comes to ensuring the good health of our children, it is best to instill healthy lifestyle habits. Regular exercise and a varied diet are the best options. It is important to prioritize the consumption of fresh foods over processed foods, as well as reduce the intake of simple sugars and carbonated beverages.

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