Stop Yelling At Home: Follow These Tips

Screaming at home is normal, but when it occurs repeatedly and intensely, it can have serious consequences for the development of children.
Stop yelling at home: follow these tips

Yelling at home is the daily bread for many parents because they have reached the limit of control of the situations that are presented to their children, however, even if that point has been reached , it is possible to reverse this problem and achieve a more peaceful and respectful environment.

When a child becomes familiar with the screaming and anger of parents, little by little he stops reacting to it and begins to develop “defenses” to the way you speak. Follow these tips so you don’t have to yell to manage a situation.

Stop yelling at home by developing self-control

1. Commit with your children to have a moderate and respectful tone of voice. The best way to get children to talk to you in the tone you should do is to start by setting an example and speaking calmly and respectfully to them, even when the situation drives you out of your box.

2. Learn to manage your emotions healthily. You are a model of the behavior that your children will have, that will help you teach them how to control their feelings and reactions. Children learn about empathy when you show them appropriate behaviors and practice them. A child learns to speak to you in a bad tone of voice when you speak to them.

3. Remember that children act like children. And as such they are people with immature behaviors, because simply their job is to be children. The cerebral cortex is fully developed in adulthood, while that happens you must accompany them during their moments of anger and tell them how to control themselves and live more calmly.

4. Show that you understand them when they express a feeling to you. If you let them understand that you understand how they feel about a certain situation, they will know that it is not bad to feel the way it feels. Understanding makes it harder for children to reach their limits and have unhealthy reactions.

5. Don’t hold a grudge. If you have something to say or if you had a bad day, relax before interacting with others. Accumulating negative thoughts and emotions facilitates irrational encounters with your children and other members of your family; try to stay in a balanced state to take charge of the situation.

6. Remember to keep your children’s perspective in mind. When you are going to establish a rule or correct a behavior, do not forget to also take into account the vision of your children. Try to make your children want to conform to your rules, not that they feel compelled to do so simply because you say so.

7. Be silent in your most angry moments. If you are emotionally upset, avoid reacting in an aggressive way, if you cannot control your words, being silent is the best choice. Take a deep breath, think of something relaxing and avoid saying hurtful things to your children when you are irritated; Words can have a negative impact on your relationship with your children if you don’t take good care of them.

8. Avoid stressful situations. If you know that the moment of leaving home in a hurry in the morning will trigger a negative situation, prepare things from the day before so that you can do them calmly. If you know there may be an argument while you are doing your homework with your children, come up with different ways to approach it or ask for some support from your family at this time.


9. Do some physical activity as a family. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to channel your tensions and those of your family. After half an hour of exercise your body and mind are much more relaxed to live together healthily. If you make exercise as a family a daily practice, you will improve your relationship with your children and your conversations in difficult situations.

10. Stay away when it’s convenient. If you have reached your limit and you know that you can become more upset than necessary, put your children in a place away from you while you have time to meditate a little and approach the problem in an objective way. Once again, avoid speaking when you are not in your boxes because you can cause unwanted impacts with the phrases you say; breathe, calm down and step away a bit if you need to.

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