Sweet Recipes For The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, gestation begins. The expectant mother needs to eat properly, but she can also enjoy some healthy, rich and nutritious desserts.
Sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy creates huge changes in a woman’s body. And the first few months can be difficult: the body starts a true hormonal revolution that often causes symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sleepiness, tiredness, insomnia, headache and  emotional instability.

With these sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy, you will have a great solution to the problem of healthy eating. By preparing these desserts, you will be able to satisfy your desires while taking care of your health.

Feeding during the first trimester

The first trimester is essential for the formation of the fetus. The mother’s nutrition is of vital importance during this period, since the baby receives all the substances it needs through the placenta.

The little one will take from its mother the fatty acids, proteins, sugars, iron, calcium and folic acid necessary for the formation of the brain and organs and bones.

A few difficult months

However, it is not always easy for the mother to maintain an adequate diet during these important months. For example,  nausea and vomiting make it difficult to maintain the necessary hydration.

Mood swings make it difficult to have the willpower to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. And as if that were not enough, caloric needs increase very little: only 150 extra calories are necessary a day, so you should try not to gain too much weight.

Sweets: enemies of pregnancy

The uncontrollable desire to eat sweet things for the first trimester of pregnancy is frequent and causes women to consume a lot of chocolates, industrial pastries or soft drinks.

These foods are not healthy, since in addition to causing unnecessary weight gain, they contain very few nutrients. There is also a risk of later developing what is known as gestational diabetes. On the other hand, some ingredients such as sugar are related to an increase in the incidence of metabolic diseases, according to a study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.

 How to combine sweet cravings and healthy eating?

It is a difficult task, but there are some sweet recipes for the first trimester that can help you find the balance between emotional well-being and healthy eating during the first months of pregnancy.

The consumption of fruits in pregnancy is essential for the health of women.

The fruits

They are the great allies of a healthy diet and can help calm the unpleasant nausea of ​​this period. It is very rare for any fruit to cause nausea; on the contrary, they tend to calm them down and encourage women to stay hydrated.

There are fruits that, due to their high sugar content, help reduce cravings for sweet foods.  Some of them are dates, grapes, melon, watermelon or peach.

On the other hand, homemade juices are an excellent alternative in summer : they are refreshing and contain minerals and vitamins, as well as antioxidant substances.

The variety available is very large: orange, strawberry, kiwi, apple, etc. You can also combine two or more fruits, both in juices and smoothies.

Lastly, there are fruits in syrup which, although they contain a greater amount of sugar, can be consumed in moderation. The good news is that they are one of the easiest sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy to prepare.

The Ice creams

Ice creams are also a great option for sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy. However, it is necessary to ensure that both milk and eggs are pasteurized to avoid contracting diseases such as salmonellosis and listeria.

These pathologies have been shown to put the health of both the mother and the child at risk, so you have to be very careful when consuming products that are likely to contain harmful bacteria.

Sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

We present you a series of desserts that, despite containing sugar, this is not their main ingredient. You can enjoy their organoleptic qualities without harming your health, as long as you consume them in moderation.

Bananas flambé with rum

This recipe is a classic in baking. Vary the amounts of rum until you find the perfect touch for you.


  • 4 bananas.
  • 2 sweet table oranges.
  • 15 centiliters of golden rum.
  • 1 tablespoon butter.
  • Brown sugar to taste


  • The first step is to peel the oranges and cut them into thin slices, putting two rows of slices in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar.
  • In a frying pan , melt butter and add the bananas into pieces, browning them. Once browned, the contents of the pan should be spread over the oranges. In the same empty pan, add the rum and light the fire, flambé it carefully.
  • With the liquor already without alcohol, water the fruits and serve.

Shortbread and peach cake

Although it is slightly more complex, this dessert has a flavor that will delight all diners.


  • Breeze pasta already made.
  • 4 medium peaches.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • 4 tablespoons of ground almonds.
  • 250 centiliters of liquid cream.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Some peach jam.
Peach tart is one of the most coveted sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy.


  • The first step will be to bake the shortcrust pastry in a mold, at 180 degrees. While the pasta is cooking, beat the yolks together with the sugar until obtaining a thick and whitish consistency.
  • Once the yolks are well beaten, add the almond, cream and lemon zest, mixing well again.
  • When the shortcrust pastry is semi-cooked (not quite golden yet), put the peaches in pieces on top and cover with the yolk and almond cream.
  • Bake the whole for 20 to 25 minutes, also at 180 degrees. Then, let it cool, unmold and garnish with melo cotón jam.

Prepare sweet recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

Besides these, there are many other recipes with fruits to prepare sweet and healthy foods for the first month of pregnancy. Go ahead and try them, they are fast and nutritious!

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