They Discover Cells That Help To Regenerate Ovarian Tissue

They discover cells that help regenerate ovarian tissue

It opens the possibility and new hopes for women who need to improve the condition of their ovaries, especially when they have been affected by diseases or the passage of time. Recent studies have found evidence that some cells can help regenerate ovarian tissue ; These are produced in the bone marrow and to this day they continue to be tested in animals.

It is great news that the ovarian reserve can be rejuvenated, as this takes into account one of the main causes of infertility. Studies revealed that there are indeed many possibilities that women who receive an injection of progenitor cells, can improve their ovarian tissue and therefore, it was possible to promote their fertile condition.

Confirmed rejuvenation of ovarian tissue

The study carried out at the Valencian Institute of Research La Fe, contemplated the relationship of bone marrow cells with the regeneration of other tissues and applied it to animal ovarian samples. The work concluded with satisfactory results, which in a relative time awarded him the prize of the Congress of the Spanish Fertility Society for the best research.


The study was led by Dr. Sonia Herraiz, who argues that an autologous bone marrow transplant is possible to vascularize damaged or aging ovarian tissue. This procedure is also related to the improvement of estradiol secretions and the development of follicles; This results in the optimization of the ovarian reserve regardless of wear and tear and low levels.

This procedure can benefit 15% of couples who are currently infertile due to problems related to the quality of the oocytes. In this particular, it is known that late pregnancy is one of the main causes of low birth rates in Europe, which means that most couples who need an intervention in fertility issues could be affected by the decrease in fertility. ovarian reserves.

Dr. Antonio Pellicer affirms that it is possible to benefit the ovarian function of patients who require it and that it is certainly a process that will be very successful at Hospital La Fe, where it is currently being carried out as a pilot program. This important advance promises to reverse one of the most serious problems to solve in the field of female infertility and the most important thing is that it will soon be available to a large part of the population.

For Dr. Pellicer, this procedure is especially effective in the case of patients who suffered the consequences of chemotherapy treatments. It would also be of great help if specialists manage to relate the effects of this autotransplant in the case of women who have already had children, but who have seen their reserves diminished in the case of secondary infertility.


So far, the study has been successful in many respects, even the experts have achieved three perfect pregnancies, as a result of the application of this technique during the trials. One of the virtues of this treatment is that it contributes to the improvement of the reproductive health of young women, that is, those who do not require an increase in their reserves but rather their mobilization, since their problem is not age, but rather the product of defects or diseases.

The project was carried out in collaboration with the Valencian Infertility Institute, where an animal model is still being used. Until then, it has been possible to confirm the regeneration of ovarian tissue by means of bone marrow cell autotransplantation, it only remains to identify what these are and what mechanism they use to perform this function.

The intention of the animal test is to be able to monitor the process and perform tests that human patients are difficult to do every week. However, patient samples from the La Fe institute have also yielded successful results in all senses; For this reason, we can talk about the fact that it is estimated to improve fertility treatments in the very near future.

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