Tips For Your Child To Start Sleeping Alone

Tips for your child to start sleeping alone

When can our baby sleep alone? This is one of the most frequent questions among new moms who have doubts about when their little ones will be more independent at bedtime. Today we will tell you how to achieve this goal.

If a mother has doubts about what to do so that her little child sleeps alone and peacefully,  imagine the doubts that the baby has! He is more disoriented than you and needs your help to learn how things should be done. You should keep in mind that sleep patterns vary in all children.

For some, in the first year of life it will be easier to sleep through the night, while others may feel the need to wake up once or twice. The truth is that we cannot leave aside is that sleep, in addition to providing rest, allows babies to grow and develop optimally.

While for moms, the hours when their children sleep are an excellent opportunity to regain lost energy and prepare for the new journey. You can create nighttime routines that the child can associate with bedtime.

Co-sleeping, yes or no?

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There are mothers who decide to co-sleep because this reduces the effort involved in getting out of bed to care for the baby when he wakes up at midnight. This is a decision that must be made together with the parents, so that the two can agree on whether they will share their space with the baby.

The testimony of some couples indicates that there are many advantages to co-sleeping, since the baby can feel more secure in the company of his parents and his need to wake up can decrease, which results in a longer rest for all.

So it’s worth asking how long is co-sleeping good for? This is an answer that mom and dad should answer. The most advisable thing is to set a deadline to allow co-sleeping. 

Sleeping alone: ​​One step at a time

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It is important that so that the process for your baby to sleep is only pleasant we must make these loving changes step by step:

  • Drastic changes can be difficult. The detachment between the mother and the baby that she had in her womb for nine months must be progressive, so that neither of them suffers.

That is why you can consider the possibility that during the first months, the baby sleeps in a bassinet or basket, inside your room –thus you will be seeking their independence- and after the first semester you can take them to their room.

  • Sleeping in separate rooms is very scary for parents who think that their children may be victims of sudden death syndrome, so you should talk to your pediatrician to explain what are the safest positions when laying your baby in his crib.

If you teach your little one the conditions to go to sleep, in no time everyone will have sweet dreams

Create sleep routines

Remember that a baby is like a little puppy that you must tame. He has the ability to assimilate everything you have to teach him, for this reason it is convenient that you prepare yourself to create routines that he can associate with bedtime, and in this way he can relax and surrender to the arms of Morpheus with greater tranquility.

For example, set a time to begin turning off the lights throughout the house. You can even turn on the stereo, at a low volume, with very soft music. Some moms enjoy giving their baby a warm bath and a relaxing massage before bed.

If you breastfeed, you can synchronize your bedtime after the last feed of the day. You can still do that if the little one takes a bottle. It is also advisable to try to cost the child before he falls completely asleep in your arms. In this way, he can get used to falling asleep on his bed.

If your baby finds it difficult to separate from you and of course sleep alone, you can place an item of clothing of yours in his crib so that he can smell your scent while he sleeps.

The key is not to despair. The first months in which your baby begins to sleep alone are the most complicated but they pass very quickly, so soon everyone at home will be able to have sweet dreams. Yes, enjoy each of your baby’s stages no matter how complicated or different they are.

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