Tips To Regain Your Figure After Pregnancy

It is possible to lose weight easily after pregnancy, although for this you have to vary your lifestyle habits, replacing unhealthy ones with more appropriate ones.
Tips to recover your figure after pregnancy

Sometimes we are surprised that for you, as for many women, it does not seem possible to regain your figure after pregnancy. In 9 months you gain several kilograms and they do not always go away when the baby leaves you.

With the following tips you will have very strong tools to lose the extra weight that you gain during pregnancy and get back in shape in a short time. Take note and have back the silhouette that you wore before.

Tips to regain figure after pregnancy

Naturally, having a proper physical conditioning routine for the state of your body after pregnancy is essential to lose weight, but this must be complemented with proper nutrition and good eating habits. Keep in mind that regular exercise has been shown to be highly effective in improving body composition.

Start sharing your healthy routines with your family members so that everyone has an excellent quality of life. Remember also that if you choose to breastfeed, you must take special care of each of the foods you eat. Nourish yourself well so that you can give your newborn baby the best.


1. Get up and do some physical activity. Many moms who have had recent deliveries feel more sleepy and tired than usual, but that is no reason to stay in bed . Try to do light activities at first and then start a more intense routine after 6 weeks of birth of the baby, or a couple of weeks more if your delivery was by cesarean section.

2. If possible, breastfeed your child. For the breastfeeding process, you will need to consume about 500 calories more than usual, but during this process, between 600 and 800 calories are burned daily. When you stop breastfeeding your baby, remember to make the necessary modifications in your diet so that there is no nutritional decompensation.

3. Lift weights and strengthen all the muscles. Lifting weights is one of the most effective ways to accelerate the functioning of the metabolism and to do this type of exercise you do not have to go to a gym, you can put it into practice from the comfort of your home and using elements that you have at your fingertips. .


Other tips that can help you

4. Control your calorie and fat intake. One of the most effective ways to regain your figure after pregnancy is not to consume empty calories like those found in soft drinks and processed foods. According to a study published in Molecules , the consumption of trans fats is associated with an increased risk of obesity.

5. Distribute your daily food well. It is also highly recommended that you consume several small portions of food a day and not a single large portion. The effect of this simple action is that blood sugar levels are kept under control and prevent you from exceeding the amount of food you consume per day.

6. Take naps. One of the effective ways to shed the pounds you gain during pregnancy is to have a sufficient amount of sleep. Uncontrolled sleep cycles that occur after pregnancy can disrupt metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight. If possible, accompany your baby in one of the naps he takes a day to regain your energy levels.

7. Eat healthy snacks. Eating lots of sugars between meals will immediately throw your blood glucose levels out of control and increase your cravings for food. To avoid temptations, always have a healthy snack at your fingertips such as fruit, yogurt or some low-fat milk. Another important recommendation in this regard is to consume foods high in fiber such as raisins or whole grain cookies, which will improve your digestion and make you feel satisfied much longer.

8. Exercise with other mothers. One measure that benefits you on a social and physical level is to establish a physical activity group with which you can exercise often. Get back your social life and take the time to exercise and clear your mind; exercise is one of the most effective ways to relax. Don’t forget that you can involve your baby in each of these physical activities.

Improve post-pregnancy weight loss habits

It is possible to lose weight effectively and easily after pregnancy, but you have to take into account certain important aspects. Modifying lifestyle habits and changing them for healthier ones will ensure success.

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