Unscented Diapers, An Excellent Option

Next we will tell you why, at present, parents have decided to take, as a first option, diapers without perfume or any type of fragrance.  
Unscented diapers, an excellent option

Unscented diapers are no longer a rarity on the market. In fact, most of the parents have decided to use them as the first option since it is a very beneficial product. And it is that, when it comes to babies, no precaution taken for their good care is little.

Every day, the measures taken when making all kinds of baby products are more and more numerous and the control much more meticulous. Obviously, the purpose is to avoid any damage to your health. 

It must be remembered that babies are vulnerable to everything because they still have immature physical features; In this sense, the skin, as the largest organ of the body, and most exposed to environmental factors, has not yet completed its development and needs to be treated with care and delicacy.

Babies’ skin is much thinner than that of an adult, which is why it is so prone to all kinds of injuries. In addition to this, your immune system is not yet strong enough to fight external aggressions. And when it comes to using a diaper, this means that, if it does not have the appropriate requirements, it can damage the baby’s skin.

Vacuum delivery should be done under medical supervision.

About baby products

Baby products must be completely free of substances that can be harmful, such as: alcohol, parabens, PEG emulsifiers, artificial fragrances and perfumes, detergents, among many others.

Parents should pay close attention to the composition of the products they decide to use for their baby, even those for topical use. As mentioned above, no precaution is too much.

This does not mean that you want to isolate the baby in a bubble of overprotection, but rather to be aware of what may be the best options (and why) to others.

Now, how are products appropriate for babies?

  • First of all, they must not only explicitly state that they are for babies, but they must be dermatologically approved. 
  • Second, they must not interact aggressively with the baby’s skin. For example, soaps should clean in a gentle way, without removing the layer of natural oil from the skin that protects it so much. This type of soaps is characterized by not generating foam and by being moisturizing.
  • Thirdly, the products must be free of artificial fragrances and perfumes, because the components of these substances are derived from petroleum which, not only are too aggressive for the baby’s skin, but, even in minimal doses, can lead to serious pictures. of toxicity.
  • They must also be free of talc and mineral oils, since, when rubbed, they injure the baby’s skin.
Lillidoo products, fragrance free.

Fragrance-free, allergen-free diapers

Lillydoo is a brand that has unscented , adjustable diapers with a very soft texture and an original design. Its high quality, both in component selection and manufacturing, has earned it the approval of skin care specialists, pediatricians and parents around the world.

As if that were not enough, Lillydoo products are made with environmentally friendly materials, with a minimal risk of allergy. In this sense, it should be noted that the cellulose, microspheres and other materials used come from sustainable and certified forestry operations.

Likewise, its products have the ‘Cruelty free’ label , which indicates that the company does not carry out tests on animals of any kind, neither during the manufacturing process nor afterwards. Therefore, these products can be chosen even by vegan families.

Unscented diapers are made from materials that allow the baby’s skin to breathe easily. They also effectively absorb excess moisture and are non-irritating when rubbed. Consequently, they are highly safe products for direct contact with the baby and for daily use, for several hours.

How to change a diaper correctly?  Learn step by step

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