Warm And Comforting Creams And Soups

With the cold and rain, you want to eat comforting dishes. So, in this article we propose several very nutritious soups and hot creams.
Warm and comforting creams and soups

One of the main premises for making hot creams and soups is to use ingredients that add flavor. And, if possible, seasonal. The difference between a cream and a soup is the consistency, but the base is the same. Next, we will tell you what foods to include.

  1. Vegetables and vegetables: they are the contribution of vitamins and minerals, and give juiciness due to their high water content. They are the base to make a good broth with chicken or fish.
  2. Tubers (potato, carrot or parsnip), which give it a thicker texture. Yogurt is also a good option to make it creamier.
  3. Legumes, chicken or fish as a source of complete proteins.
  4. Use spices or aromatic herbs.
  5. Use extra virgin olive oil.
  6. Add a final touch with seeds, boiled and chopped egg, chopped or chopped nuts, a splash of oil, a tablespoon of yogurt or pomegranate, etc. You will be surprised by the taste and they will be more attractive to you.

Warm and comforting creams and soups

Pumpkin, parsnip and ginger cream


  • 500 g of pumpkin.
  • 1-2 parsnips.
  • Onion (optional)
  • Fresh ginger
  • Oil, salt and pepper.

Step by Step

First of all, peel the pumpkin and remove all the seeds. Next, wash and peel the parsnips. Once you have done it, prepare a pot with water, boil the parsnips for 15 minutes and drain them. Meanwhile, oil a skillet and brown the squash until soft. If you want, mix it with a quarter of a sautéed onion.

Pumpkin cream is one of the simplest hot creams and soups to make.

Lastly, place all the vegetables in a large pot or deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, and top with peeled ginger to taste. Serve it on a plate decorated with pumpkin seeds.

Fennel, carrot and leek soup with rice, among the most original hot creams and soups


  • 1 bulb of fennel.
  • 1 leek
  • 3 carrots
  • 60 g of rice per person.

Step by Step

First, wash all the vegetables with water and remove the stems. Next, put water in a pot with the fennel, the leek and the carrot. Leave it until it boils and they are soft. Once ready, filter the broth and reserve the vegetables on a plate until cool.

Besides, boil water in another pot to cook the rice. It takes 10-20 minutes, depending on whether it is white or whole. When the vegetables are cold, dice them. Finally, add all the ingredients to the broth.

Chickpea cream, zucchini and pecans, one of the most complete hot creams and soups


  • 1 zucchini.
  • 350 g of cooked chickpeas.
  • Vegetables soup.
  • 30 g of pecans.
  • A pinch of nutmeg.
  • Salt.
  • Paprika.

Step by Step

First, boil the zucchini in a pot of water for at least 5-10 minutes. Check that it is soft with the help of a knife.

Next, place the chickpeas, zucchini and walnuts in the bowl of the mixer. All followed, add a little broth and season it with nutmeg and salt. Blend it well and add broth until you get the texture you want. Garnish it with a couple of pecans and paprika from La Vera.

Chickpea cream.

Onion, pepper, carrot and tofu soup


  • Vegetables soup.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • 150 g of firm tofu.
  • Salt.

Step by Step

First, wash the bell pepper and carrot. Next, peel the onion and cut it into strips. All followed, remove the stems and seeds from the pepper. Cut it into thin strips. Do the same with the carrot. Add them together with the broth in a saucepan until it boils.

Meanwhile, drain the block of tofu well with kitchen paper, pressing it down with your hands or the cutting board. Dice it and add it to the pot. Leave it until everything is soft. Don’t forget to add salt.

In short, in the face of cold and hunger, we can enjoy these delicious creams and hot soups, varied and simple. If not, you can always put your imagination and create yours by following the advice we give you at the beginning of this article.

We remind you that, at the same time, you are helping to strengthen your defenses and replenish energy.

4 cooking recipes for the cold months

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