What Children Learn At 3 Years

If you have a 3-year-old child, little by little you will see how his concentration capacity increases and that the things that he likes will capture all his attention. But do not be in a hurry and respect its evolutionary rhythm.
What Children Learn at 3 Years

A 3-year-old child is a whirlwind of emotions and intensity in all his feelings. It’s wonderful to see how it captures everything around it and magically evolves while parents enjoy being able to see it in the first person. Therefore, we are going to talk to you about what children learn at 3 years old.

Each one has its own rhythm

Although we are going to talk about some of the most important milestones of this stage, it is worth remembering that it is not the same for all children. The little ones have different learning rhythms and they must be respected. You do not have to want to rush in their learning, but you have to stimulate them, empower them, guide them … but never overwhelm them to advance.

Don’t compare your 3-year-old to other children the same age. There are children who will advance faster, others will remain stagnant and will have more difficulty in their daily learning, but all, with the necessary stimulation, will be able to advance in a stable way in terms of their learning.

3 year old boy playing with leaves in the park.

Environmental influences on 3-year-olds

Of course, the development of the little ones and everything they learn in this sweet stage is influenced by their innate ability, by their environment, by the stimuli they receive from it, by the experiences they live in family and at school, by how the people around them are able to motivate them to continue their learning and intellectual and emotional growth.

Anyway, below, we are going to explain to you some of the things that children learn at 3 years old, but remember that it is only a small guide. If your child has learned it before or is still in the process, that’s okay too.

Things children learn at 3 years

Each child is a world and their learning pace must be respected. Always accompany him with affection, even in the most difficult moments, such as when he has a tantrum in the middle of the street.

Quite an explorer

All children at this age are true explorers and their senses are their teachers. They use all of them to the maximum to feel what they have in the environment and absorb the information that their senses provide them. They are increasingly able to concentrate and think creatively. They can solve simple problems adapted to their age!

It’s mine!

“Not! It’s mine! For me!” will be some of your favorite words. The little one is increasingly aware that he is an independent being from his parents, so he will want to make it clear at all times. This can be done thanks to the fact that he will show his natural selfishness due to age and his self-centeredness.

But do not be angry if he does not want to share the first time, it is normal and natural at his age. Just guide him to empathize and be generous to himself and others.

More vocabulary at 3 years

It seemed like yesterday when they barely said 2 words per sentence and only you or those around you understood them correctly. Now his vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds and he is able to say more complete sentences and carry on a small conversation. The things that you like will grab your attention and you will want to talk about it and explore it to the fullest.

In fact, they will also be able to understand conversations of more words, to remember songs or short poems. And if you tell him a story, he’ll pay attention to you if it’s interesting to him! Seeing her bright eyes full of motivation is quite a gift.

Capable of so many things!

Now you will realize that each time you have the ability to do more things by yourself. He used to require your help with these activities, but now he will be able to enjoy doing them himself:

Girl washing her hands.
  • Classify and order objects.
  • Pick up the toys from your room.
  • Make simple puzzles suitable for their age.
  • Understand more the things that surround you.
  • Play longer in a concentrated way.
  • Use logical reasoning.
  • Know what is the same and what is different.
  • Know and understand the numbers from 1 to 10.
  • Recognize your initial of the name and also the written name.
  • Know how to write your initial and you will start trying to scribble your name.
  • His drawings are becoming better understood.
  • Have more fine and gross motor skills.
  • Start making friends.
  • Find solutions to the conflicts that games generate with others.
  • Need emotional security from reference adults.
  • Enjoy the symbolic game.
  • The imaginary friend may appear.

As you can see, the 3-year-old is a box of surprises, full of magic and emotions that he just wants to keep learning. Each little one is a world and your child is sure that he has a normal development, you do not want to run and respect his evolutionary rhythm. If you have doubts about its development, always ask your pediatrician to monitor its evolution.

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