What To Do So That My Son Loses The Embarrassment To Speak In Public?

In the case of shy or introverted children, one of the big questions parents ask themselves is what to do to lose the embarrassment of public speaking. Anyone can experience these types of fears, but there are effective solutions to this situation.
What to do so that my son loses the embarrassment to speak in public?

The shame of speaking in public is one of the manifestations of the so-called stage fright. Anyone can suffer from it; In the case of children and young people, overcoming it in a timely manner will guarantee their optimal personal development. How can I help  my child lose the embarrassment to speak in public? Here are some recommended actions.

Is it really a problem that your child is embarrassed to speak in public?

There are several situations in which a child, in the course of his growth, will have to speak to the public. For example, in a school exhibition, professional activity or events of various kinds.

The first thing to take into account before any approach to the problem is age. It is not the same to treat this difficulty in childhood than in puberty. If it occurs in a young child, it would be normal behavior, considering that he is facing the social world for the first time.

Realize when avoidance behavior is really a problem. It is recommended to observe if it is a manifestation of extreme shyness, an underlying fear or if there is a more serious cause behind it.

If it’s simple embarrassment due to insecurity, the following tips might help . If there is a more complex reason, it is time to seek professional help. It must be remembered that, in any psychological problem, minor or serious, self-confidence is crucial to overcome it.

Tips for my child to lose the embarrassment to speak in public

These tips can be of great help so that your child is not afraid of being heard in public:

Early stimulation

There are children who, from an early age, interact a lot with family and friends; They tend to belong to outgoing and playful families. Growing up, they don’t see public speaking as threatening or novel, but as natural.

The dramatic arts favor bodily and verbal development.

Do not ridicule or scold him

A child or youth who is scold or ridiculed will reinforce negative behavior and not seek to change it. It is not convenient to make you feel different; on the contrary, it is best to convince him that the same thing can happen to anyone and that it can be overcome.

Support and help

Leaving the child alone in his insecurity will make him more vulnerable and may become unable to move forward. One of the roles of parents is, precisely, to be company and support in their growth. This implies being present and interacting in difficult moments and that there is a good degree of communication in the family.

Make it part of the solution

The child himself must be aware of the problem, because to recognize it is to be halfway there. The child has to realize that the embarrassment caused by public exposure lacks rational justification. That way, you are more likely to take action to avoid it.

Fill the fact of value

Acting in public has no value per se, but is part of objectives, projects and tastes. You have to make the activity fun and pleasant, fill it with positive and valuable content.

If the child is young, positive reinforcement such as a reward, appreciation, or praise  will teach him that acting or speaking in public is a good thing . It is also a great reinforcement that public exposure makes them feel like adults.

Do not force or rush

If the child is forced, the fact that frightens him will be filled with more negative attributes, which will stunt his growth. Also, do not expect the change to be sudden, but the whole process takes time.


A tip for a child to lose the embarrassment to speak in public is to rehearse the activity in all its details, several times. That way, you will feel more confident the next time you face that challenge.

Using leaders or idols as a role model

Children and young people have idols or leaders whom they profess great admiration. A good strategy is to use these references so that the little ones feel safe.

How to make my child lose the embarrassment to speak in public?

Don’t overestimate the fact

Sometimes, the child has a very negative thought, a product of the overvaluation of an activity; all this causes him anguish. You have to help him to take a bit of importance out of it  and let him know that his life is not going to be for him and that he will come out unharmed. Likewise, you can try to channel that fear into a creative energy.

When to seek professional help

If these measures have not been enough for your child to lose the embarrassment to speak in public, there may be an underlying reason. In that case, it is time to go to the professional; This will  provide a clear diagnosis, a personalized approach, and appropriate treatment.

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